Monday, July 9, 2012

The 5 Pearls Location @ Pearl City

Including the newly unveiled of the latest Pearl Impian which is now open for registration, we have now total 5 housing projects developed by Tambun Indah at Pearl City.

Previously the Bandar Tasek Mutiara developer named its projects here by giving name base on Phase, Tambun Indah is now doing in different way by naming it seperately starting with Pearl, which makes the projects here sound nicer.


LifeNotWorthLiving said...

There are 2 buildings right to the lower left corner of Pearl Garden, are they chicken farms or pig farms?

Anonymous said...

Yes, check it out here:

LifeNotWorthLiving said...

Why would a developer build residential area right beside a chicken farm? Anyone care to clarify this?

PG said...

As i know is chicken farm.