Monday, October 24, 2011

A Telecommunication Tower?

Accidentaly found this some sort like a telecommunication tower behind Pearl Garden. I think it is still not yet functioning, not sure whether it will be operated in near future. How do you think, is this really a telecommunication tower?


Anonymous said...

Seems plausible to be a communication tower.... any idea how far is it from Pearl Garden?

The last time I was there, the Maxis line was not doing so good....

chpang said...

Safety is my top priority. Hope that at least 500m away.

308 said...

Those who worry too much should not use a hand phone, seriously. There is no concrete evidence that telecommunication towers are harmful.

Anonymous said...

I'm very confident i didnt found it all the while. Is that just build?

chpang said...

Recently, a petition was filed in the Kerala High Court by a doctor seeking a direction to a cell phone company preventing them from installing a telecommunication tower near his house. He stated in his petition that the telecommunication company had not bothered to inform the people about the ill-effects of putting up such a tower and hence the project be stalled.

Available materials show that the radiation emitted from these towers could cause health hazards.

Points out Raman K R, a scientist who has done research on the subject, "There are two effects in such cases-thermal and non-thermal. A person will fall prey to a thermal effect due to radiation only if he is close to the tower."

Being exposed to the thermal effect could cause fatigue, cataracts and reduced mental concentration. This largely occurs to the amount of heat that is generated due to radiation.

Then there is the non-thermal effect, which affects people who are at a distance from the tower. The ill-effects of a non-thermal effect are cell membrane permeability. This, according to experts, is also caused due to the heat generated through radiation.

Of late there is this talk about how, radiation through mobile towers are causing cancer. Although many maintain that such radiations could cause cancer, cell phone companies maintain that there is nothing conclusive on this subject.

The dangers of people suffering from ill effects of radiation are many, such as cancer and brain tumor. Radiation can cause miscarriage in pregnant women and trouble in pacemaker or even insomnia.

People who are living near mobile tower 400-500 metres should get their houses tested for radiation. And use anti-radiation devices to prevent diseases.

chpang said...

By the way, there are ton of article out there u can read about that, having said that, u still can prove those scientist wrong by staying closely to those tower.

308 said...


You can find scientific report that smoking cigarette has certain benefit and you can see some people smoking for whole life and still can live up to 80 years old in good health. However, it is confirmed that smoking is bad for health.

Similarly, you can find a few "scientific reports" that telecommunication base station can cause certain health problems and some people sue some authority and "claim" that the base station has caused them ill health. However, it is widely accepted that there is no concrete evidence that base station can have serious health effects.

There are various kinds of people in this world. Those who "personally" dislike the base station or "believe" that it is not good will certainly make a lot of noise out of it, pin-point only the report that favor him, create an anti-base station website and appear in the media etc.

We know that in M'sia there are a few Indon maids being tortured by their employers. However, we can't make conclusion that all Malaysians like to torture Indon maids. Perhaps out of 1000 Indon maids, only 1 get tortured, and this can happen by chance (unluckily get a bad employer).

There are few reports that base stations may be hazardous to health. This could be happen bby chance as well. We need to look at the whole picture scientifically. There are far more research which show that base station does not create significant ill effects.