Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pearl Villas Site Image

This is the site image of the Pearl Villas Project which is now also under construction. Although this blog is for Pearl Garden, but is ok also i share with all some photos about the "sister" of Pearl Garden, The Pearl Villas which is just beside Pearl Garden. The progress it seems quite fast.


Anonymous said...

Don't cheat on this survey ok ? I think a lot of ppl won't agree on that one.

你对 PEARL GARDEN 的部分围篱是采用铁篱笆而不是水泥围墙的设计觉得如何?

PG said...

To Anonymous, honestly i didnt do anything about that poll and i also have no idea is there any cheat really happened and if it is, how or who did it. As this is not a developer's blog, is ok for all to share info & opinion here but if there is any complain to developer, i would suggest maybe you can bring up the concern directly to the developer will be better. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I believe the blog owner didn't manipulate the poll.

I saw the first entry increased from 8 to around 40 in one day.... It's certainly fishy. someone can easily cast multiple votes by clearing browser cache.

Btw PG, thanks for your efforts sharing all the info and photos.. Appreciate it very much!